1. Summary
2. Background
3. Action Required
4. Sample letter
5. Addresses for sample letters
1. Summary
University professor Dr.Bisher Fahad al-Bisher has been incarcerated in a Saudi prison for nearly four years now without trial or charge. He faces inhumane conditions, solitary confinement and is denied routine visitation from his family. His detention not only violates international law but Saudi law as well. This treatment and the environment he has faced over the past few years has had a harrowing effect on his health.
2. Background
University Professor of Religious Science at a University in Riyadh, Dr. Bisher Fahad al-Bisher (52 years old), has been detained in Saudi Arabia since 15 March 2007. He was allegedly targeted by the Saudi Investigative Police (Al-Mabahith Al-Amma) due to his outspoken criticism of the government’s policies within his academic teachings and a personal website which has since been shut down. This ongoing detention with no trial or charge in addition to a lack of legal representation constitutes a serious violation of international as well as Saudi law.
On the evening of 15 March 2007, 15 plain-clothed officers arrested Dr. Al-Bisher at his residence and provided no reason or warrant for his arrest. For 9 months, his family were given no information as to his whereabouts or his fate. Finally, in December 2007, Dr. Al-Bisher was allowed a visit from his family in Al-Alisha detention centre which is controlled by Al-Mahabith forces. There, the family witnessed the effects of the ill-treatment he had experienced and realised he had spent months in solitary confinement. His condition did not improve and he continued to be detained in a freezing underground cell while handcuffed and blindfolded over long periods of time.
Recently Dr. Al-Bisher was transferred to Al-Hayr prison near Riyadh and has been granted visitation from his family once a month. He continues to receive neither medical attention nor legal counsel and has not been brought before a judge since the arrest. His arrest is in stark violation of Article 104 of the Saudi Law of Criminal Procedure which states the need “to admit the accused into detention center after explaining the offense with which he is charged and the basis thereof”.
3. Action Required
Write to the following authorities requesting to urge the Saudi Arabian government to release Dr. Bisher Fahad al-Bisher.
a) Minister of foreign affairs in your country, urging him/her to raise this issue with his/her Saudi counterpart. UK campaigners will find the appropriate address, fax and email on the sample letter below.
a. Minister of foreign affairs in your country. (UK campaigners can write using the address supplied below, fax: +44 (0)20 7839 2417 or email:
[Your name]
[Your address]
Rt. Hon. William Hague
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London, SW1A 2AH
Dear Mr. Hague,
Re: The ongoing detention of Dr. Bisher Fahad Al-Bisher
I am deeply concerned over the illegal detention of a Saudi university professor Dr.Bisher Fahad al-Bisher, by plain-clothed Saudi officials in March 2007. This was due to his outspoken criticism of government policies expressed within his university teachings and personal website. He has been denied all his fundamental rights guaranteed by international conventions and statutory Saudi laws. As you are likely aware, this case transpires within the context of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing and unacceptable arbitrary detention of activists.
Dr. Al-Bisher was arrested on 15 March 2007 and the circumstances of his imprisonment have been a clear denial of his basic human rights. For 9 months, his family were given no information as to his whereabouts or his fate. Finally in December 2007, Dr. al-Bisher was allowed a visit from his family in Al-Alisha detention centre. There, the family witnessed the effects of the ill-treatment he experienced and months of solitary confinement. His condition did not improve and he continued to be detained in a freezing underground cell while handcuffed and blindfolded over long periods of time.
Recently has been granted visitation from his family once a month. He continues to receive neither medical attention nor legal counsel and has not been brought before a judge since the arrest. His arrest is in stark violation of Article 104 of the Saudi Law of Criminal Procedure which states the need “to admit the accused into detention center after explaining the offense with which he is charged and the basis thereof”. This is in addition to the violation of his basic human rights by International standards.
I urge you to call on your Saudi counterparts to look into the matter and arrange for his immediate release. This ongoing detention of individuals who are clearly trying to express their right to freedom of speech must not be tolerated by the British government who claims to stand for justice. Please call on the Saudi government to provide Dr. Al-Bisher with his basic human rights and release him from this illegal, ongoing imprisonment.
I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this urgent matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your signature]
[Your name]
b. Saudi Ambassador in your country. (UK campaigners can write using the address supplied below, email:
[Your name]
[Your address]
HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
30 Charles Street
Your Excellency,
Re: The ongoing detention of Dr. Bisher Fahad Al-Bisher
I am deeply concerned over the illegal detention of a Saudi university professor Dr.Bisher Fahad al-Bisher, by plain-clothed Saudi officials in March 2007. This was due to his outspoken criticism of government policies expressed within his university teachings and personal website. He has been denied all his fundamental rights guaranteed by international conventions and statutory Saudi laws. As you are likely aware, this case transpires within the context of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing and unacceptable arbitrary detention of activists.
Dr. Al-Bisher was arrested on 15 March 2007 and the circumstances of his imprisonment have been a clear denial of his basic human rights. For 9 months, his family were given no information as to his whereabouts or his fate. Finally in December 2007, Dr. al-Bisher was allowed a visit from his family in Al-Alisha detention centre. There, the family witnessed the effects of the ill-treatment he experienced and months of solitary confinement. His condition did not improve and he continued to be detained in a freezing underground cell while handcuffed and blindfolded over long periods of time.
Recently has been granted visitation from his family once a month. He continues to receive neither medical attention nor legal counsel and has not been brought before a judge since the arrest. His arrest is in stark violation of Article 104 of the Saudi Law of Criminal Procedure which states “to admit the accused into detention center after explaining the offense with which he is charged and the basis thereof”. This is in addition to the violation of his basic human rights by International standards.
I urge you to call on the Saudi government to look into the matter and arrange for his immediate release and an apology for his detention. This ongoing detention of individuals who are clearly trying to express their right to freedom of speech in your country must not be tolerated. It is clearly an illegal act under Saudi and international law. Please call on the Saudi government to provide Mr. Al-Bisher with his basic human rights and release him from this illegal imprisonment.
I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this urgent matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your signature]
[Your name]
5. Addresses for sample letters
a) Minister of foreign affairs in Canada.
Canadian campaigners can write to:
Minister of Foreign Affairs – John Baird
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-995-1851
b) Minister for Foreign Affairs in Australia
Australian campaigners can write to:
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Telephone: 02 6277 7500
c) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Indonesian campaigners can write to:
Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa
Jl. Pejambon No.6.
Jakarta Pusat, 10110
Telephone: (+62 21) 344 15 08
d) Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia
Malaysian campaigners can write to:
Honourable Dato’ Sri Anifah Hj. Aman
Wisma Putra, No 1, Jalan Wisma Putra,
Precint 2, 62602 PUTRAJAYA
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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75
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