Video and Audio

Video and Audio

A Message on the UK Riots

IHRC has been warning about the environment of hate in the UK for 25 years. We are not surprised by what is happening on our streets. Here’s our message

Bring Aafia Siddiqui home now!

Do you know Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? A highly educated academic and mother of three, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was abducted by the American government in Pakistan and was the first woman subjected to the full rendition to torture programme by the USA. Her children were taken

We won’t stop until genocide is history

Massoud Shadjareh, Chair of IHRC, delivers a powerful speech on the Palestinian movement. We must bring a change and we must fight against this injustice. We at IHRC will continue to do so until genocide becomes a word of the past.

How do the lessons from Ashura relate to us today

Massoud Shadjareh, Chair of the IHRC, speaks on how the lessons from #Ashura and Karbala relate to the present. We must recognise the oppressors of our time and stand up for #justice just like Imam Hussain (as) did.

In Memory of Imam Achmad Cassiem

It has been a year since IHRC advisor and friend Imam Achmad Cassiem passed away. He led a remarkable life fighting against injustice and oppression from a young age. He joined the armed struggle against apartheid at 15 and was jailed in Robben island by