

Background information

After the break-up of the former Yugoslavia in 1992, the newly declared republic became the subject of irredentist claims by neighbouring Serbia and Croatia.

The subsequent war left an estimated 100,000 people killed and saw unspeakable atrocities including the re-emergence of concentration camps in Europe for the first time since World War Two.

At the height of the bloodletting, over 8000 unarmed men and boys seeking refuge in the UN protected “safe-haven” of Srebrenica were massacred in cold blood by Serb soldiers.

The gruesome episode remains a salutary reminder of the evil depths to which humanity can sink in the name of ethnocentric nationalism. It is also a grim warning of the precarious status of Muslim minorities in Europe, even those that appear to be well integrated.

As the passage of time makes the tragedy more and more distant, IHRC strives to keep the memory of the Bosnia War alive in a number of ways including remembering Bosnia in our Genocide Memorial Day that takes place every year and supplying resources to schools to help them teach students about Bosnia.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Why Genocide Denial and Genocide Awareness Matter

As tensions continue to simmer in the former Yugoslav state, Demir Mahmutćehajić’s reflections as to commemoration and erasure of current and previous genocides in Bosnia and elsewhere provides some insight into the possibilities and perils of the future. In July 2017[i], Islamic Human Rights Commission


Watch ‘Forgotten Genocide’

IHRC’s documentary, ‘Forgotten Genocide’ details how the entire war in Bosnia, waged against its Muslim population, can and should be considered a genocide.  Whilst the international community’s echelons have reluctantly accepted that the killing of 8000 men and boys in Srebrenica was genocide, this documentary

Demir Mahmutcehajic on Bosnia and Forgotten Genocide

Bosnian Activist Demir Mahmutcehajic discusses the background to and his experiences of the Bosnian war 1992 – 1995. He discusses not only how Srebrenica was a genocide in 1995, but the whole Bosnian war was an evidence of genocide against the Muslim population and those