BOYCOTT ZIONISM: Stop supporting Israeli Apartheid

BOYCOTT ZIONISM: Stop supporting Israeli Apartheid

Islamic Human Rights Commission

28 April 2008

BOYCOTT ZIONISM: Stop supporting Israeli Apartheid

1. Summary
2. Background

1. Summary

Please support the Boycott Israel Campaign. Visit Inminds website ( and for resources on the boycott, FAQs, and general knowledge about the campaign itself.

In the same context, IHRC is organizing a two-fold event this year, on 4 May 2008, as the 60th anniversary of Israel and Universal Declaration of Human Rights approaches, to look at both projects in a critical and contemporary light. All campaigners are encouraged to attend to better educate themselves about what human rights mean in the context of Palestine-Israel, and what the violation of these rights means of the project of universal human rights.

For details about the venue, timings etc. please visit

2. Background

Israel is using all its might and force to trample the rights of the Palestinians and is carrying out a bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing in a land to which it has forcefully claimed a right. As the 60th anniversary of the Zionist state of Israel approaches this year, it has become all the more urgent for people of good conscience to take action to denounce this regime of injustice.

IHRC urges all campaigners to support the Boycott Zionism campaign. The Boycott Israel campaign page produced by Innovative Minds is an excellent resource for the boycott and contains flyers and brochures that can be downloaded for reference or distribution. Please visit:

Campaigners can do the following as part of an active boycott of the Zionist State of Israel:

1) Educate yourselves: Use the Boycott Israel pages on Inminds website to learn more the product and companies to boycott, why to boycott and how the boycott works etc.

2) Start boycotting: Keep a copy of the boycott card with you and start boycotting as many Israeli products as you can. (The boycott card leaflet can be download in PDF form from

3) Educate others: Hold small workshops at your local mosque or community centre and inform others about Boycott Israel Campaign. Download the boycott card leaflet and distribute. IHRC can be contacted for guidance about the workshops at the contact details mentioned at the end if this alert.

4) Write letters: For a boycott to be effective, it must be followed up with a letter writing campaign to inform the companies that we are boycotting their products until they stop collaborating with Israel. See Inminds letter writing campaign on

5) Pickett: Organize a picket in your area. Picketing is a form of public protest and aims to draw attention to the realities of Palestinian suffering by exposing those that help to sustain it. It embarrasses those shoppers that know they shouldn\’t be shopping there, informs those shoppers that are not aware of the moral objections as well as irritating supporters of Israel generally.The companies themselves become aware of the protests and news of pickets goes all the way to the top. See Inminds’ guide on picketing to find out if there a picket near you and how to join it. The guide also includes tips on setting up your own picket and legal FAQ on what your rights are when picketing.

All campaigners are also encouraged to attend a conference that IHRC is organizing on 4 May 2008, as the 60th anniversary of Israel and Universal Declaration of Human Rights approaches, to look at both projects in a critical and contemporary light. All those interested in human rights and justice from activists, to students and academics are invited to attend and discuss what human rights mean in the context of Palestine-Israel, and what the violation of these rights means of the project of universal human rights. For more details about the event, visit


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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

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