Sheikh Mohammad Azmi bin Abdul Hamid has been a Council Member and Head of Education Section of Consumers Assocaitionof Penang since 1990 and a Council Member of Sahabat Alam Malaysia since 1996. He is also the President Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (since 2006), the President of Malay Community Empowerment Association (TERAS) (since 1998), Secretary General of Ulama Assembly of Asia ( SHURA) (since 2001), Secretary General of Ittihad Ulama Muslimin Al Alami Malaysia (since 2014), and Chairman of Nadwah Ulama and Islamic Organization Kedah , Malaysia (2013). He has also been the Director of Center for International Muslim Minority Affairs Project, and Director for Campaigns on Save and Rebuild Gaza, Save Syria, Advocacy for Rohingya Campaigns. He was appointed as Islamic Human Rights Consultative Council Member in the Malaysian Foreign Ministry