Birth of the Prophet ﷺ

Birth of the Prophet ﷺ

Mawlid al-Nabi has arrived. The Mawlid is the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Observed by many Muslims around the world, it typically takes place on Rabi’ al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. The day is marked by various traditions, such as reciting poetry and stories about the Prophet’s life, holding religious gatherings, distributing food, and offering prayers of gratitude.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace.

Allah also instructed the Prophet to tell the Muslims: Say, “If you love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you, and will forgive you your sins.” (3:31)

In addition, Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.”

IHRC Bookshop is offering 15% discounts off all books from 16th September until 30th September 2024. The discount code is MAWLID2024.

Scroll down to check out books available at IHRC Bookshop.

We also have a few announcements for you.

Islamophobia Conference 2024: The Vanishing Public Muslim

Join us for the 11th annual conference this December, online and in-person.

This conference will explore the various restrictions placed on Muslims to suppress their voice and presence in the public sphere. It will examine both state policy, like the UK Gove Initiative on Extremism, censorship efforts in France and Germany, the CAA laws and prohibition of Muslim schools in India, as well actions taken by civil society, including “Doxxing” and social media bans based on content.

Finally, this conference will assess potential prescriptives for Muslims to reclaim and reassert their civil rights and civil liberties in societies that claim such principles as cardinal values to liberal democracy.

This year’s conference will bring together experts in the field over the course of two days for online and in-person discussions:

  • Saturday 14 December (online only)
  • Sunday 15 December (online and in-person. Venue details to be confirmed).

Confirmed speakers:

  • Tasneem Chopra
  • Laurens de Rooij
  • Ramón Grosfoguel
  • Stephen Sizer
  • Imam Dawud Walid

Palestine Appeal – Help the People of Gaza!

IHRC are working with partners who are on the ground in the Gaza Strip responding right now ensuring Gazans have access to essential needs such as food and have the medical supplies they need to cope with the unprecedented influx of casualties.

Click below and support the Palestinians.


WATCH: Author Evening with Muadh Chati: An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith

Recently, IHRC hosted Mufti Muadh Chati to discuss the compilation, An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith Volume 1. This book begins with an introduction to the codification of hadith, then an appreciation of the critical methodology of the muhaddithun, then a discussion on the common narrators of hadith, and then the entire process of takhrij is explained with a detailed introduction on many different books of hadith. The book contains the biographies of over 25 important scholars of hadith.

Click below to watch the recording of the event.

Mufti Muadh Chati completed his Alimiyyah course at Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda (Blackburn, UK). He later travelled to Durban, South Africa to study Takhassus fi’l Fiqh under the tutelage of the late Mufti Ebrahim Desai rahimahullah. He later moved to Benoni in South Africa to study a Takhassus fi’l Hadith course with Mufti Muhammad Ishaq Bhana Sahib and Mufti Bilal Sabir Vahed. He then returned to the UK in 2018. Currently, Mufti Muadh teaches Fiqh and Hadith at Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda (Blackburn). In 2022, he founded to provide access to traditional and academic courses on various Islamic fields for the Muslim community.

Below are books about the Prophet ﷺ that are currently in stock. More books are available on our website.

The Continuous Esteem of the Prophets Family – Sheikh Yusuf Al Nabhani

We are pleased to present a new edition of Al-Sharaf al-Mu’abbad li Aal Muhammad/The Continuous Esteem of the Prophet’s Family (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). This is perhaps the greatest work about the family of the Prophetic offspring (Ahl al-Bayt). Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabhani (may Allah show him mercy) has written a text that is unparalleled on this subject, and we hope to share this with English speakers.

Meeting Muhammad – Omar Suleiman

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be in the presence of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as his companions were? What would it be like to see him, to host him in your home, pray behind him, and have him as a teacher and friend? Through 30 beautifully detailed chapters with narrations from companions, take a journey from only knowing about him to knowing him and loving him and feel what it was like to be a companion of his in this life and strive to be companions of his in the next.


Muhammad the Perfect Man – Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani

This book is considered one of the best about the sublime perfections of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Written by the leading Islamic scholar of recent times – Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani of Mecca, it is presented in English for the first time. The author writes with great erudition and love about the perfection of the last of the Messengers, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, sourcing every point from careful exegesis of ayat of the Quran, well known hadith and episodes from the Sirah. The book starts with the perfection of the noble lineage of the Prophet, followed by the perfection of his physical form and discusses in detail the perfection of the Muhammadan heart. In the 300 pages that follow the Perfection of the Prophetic attributes are listed in great detail – ranging from the perfection of the Prophetic knowledge, justice, mercy, humility, leadership, courage, generosity, patience, loyalty, wisdom, oratory and forbearance to name but just a few. The author was blessed with the gift of writing in clear concise narrative style which was highly readable but retained the grandeur of the discussion at hand without being overwhelmed by the scriptural evidence which he presents with meticulous authority.

This is captured by Khalid Williams’ lucid and exemplary translation which adds depth, breadth, and clarity making this within easy reach of the English speaking world. The book ranks among the most important works of the Sayyid Muhammad who contends from a traditional Islamic point of view that the message of Islam can only be perfect if the bringer of that message is himself perfect. It serves as a timely reminder to the characteristics of the greatest human being that ever lived, and presents an insight into the noble Prophetic way, the behavioural code of conduct – the Sunna – of the Perfect Man, that he, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, left behind for all peoples for all times.

My Prophet Muhammad

My Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) encapsulates the timeless story of the life of the best and final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (ﷺ). Designed for early childhood, this rendering of the Seerah serves as an ideal first acquaintance with the miraculous story of Allah’s finest creation. With its vivid illustrations and appropriately rendered authorship, this book is designed to increase your child’s knowledge, appreciation and love for the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World – Jonathan A.C. Brown

Contrary to popular opinion, the bulk of Islamic law does not come from the Qur’an but rather from hadith, first-hand reports of the prophet Muhammad’s words and deeds, passed from generation to generation. However, with varying accounts often only committed to paper a century after the death of Muhammad, Islamic scholars, past and present, have been faced with complex questions of historical authenticity.

Informative and accessible, this wide-ranging introduction provides a detailed exploration of the collection and criticism of hadith and examines the controversy surrounding its role in modern Islam. Complete with a glossary, extensive bibliography, and helpful diagrams, Hadith: An Introduction is perfectly suited to students, scholars, and the general reader interested in this critical element of Islam.

With the Heart in Mind: The Moral & Emotional Intelligence of the Prophet – Mikaeel Ahmed Smith

With the Heart in Mind is an inquiry into the nature of the intellect and why classical Islamic theologians understood the nature and function of the intellect. With the Heart in Mind asks readers to consider an alternative understanding of intelligence in which the primary function of the intellect is to know God and lead others to Him as well.

Medicine of the Prophet by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (Author), Penelope Johnstone (Translator)

Medicine of the Prophet is a combination of religious and medical information, providing advice and guidance on the two aims of medicine – the preservation and restoration of health – in careful conformity with the teachings of Islam as enshrined in the Qur’an and the hadith, or sayings of the Prophet. Written in the fourteenth century by the renowned theologian Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (d. 751AH/1350AD) as part of his work Zad al-Ma’ad, this book is a mine of information on the customs and sayings of the Prophet, as well as on herbal and medical practices current at the time of the author. In bringing together these two aspects, Ibn Qayyim has produced a concise summary of how the Prophet’s guidance and teaching can be followed, as well as how health, sickness and cures were viewed by Muslims in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The original Arabic text offers an authoritative compendium of Islamic medicine and still enjoys much popularity in the Muslim world. This English translation is a more complete presentation than has previously been available and includes verification of all hadith references. Medicine of the Prophet will appeal not only to those interested in alternative systems of health and medicine, but also to people wishing to acquaint themselves with, or increase their knowledge of, hadith and the religion and culture of Islam.

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet – Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki (Author), Habib Umar Bin Hafiz (Contributor), Rashad Jameer (Translator)

This book, which is a work of the late Muhaddith of Makkah, Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, may Allah have mercy upon him, seeks to present the case for celebrating the birth of the Best of Creations, Sayyidna Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. What Will I Learn? The Proofs of the Permissibility of Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet; Learn what Shaykh Muhammad bin Alawi al-Maliki says about the five categories of innovation; Learn what some of Islam’s scholarly giants have said about the Mawlid throughout history. New Additions in the Second Edition from Habib ‘Umar bin Hafiz: Being with Allah and His Messenger; When the Month of Rabi al-Awwal Arrives; Dealing With Those Who Disagree With the Mawlid.

FREE READ: The Long View: Vol 6, Issue 2: From the Carnage Rises Hope?

In this issue of the Long View, Jennifer Loewenstein protests against the domination of US Jewry by Zionist federations that attempt to silence internal opposition with the same iron fist that puts down external critics. While the term genocide dominates popular and civil society discourse around Gaza it remains noticeably absent from the political discourse of western powers.

Our second essay by Afroze Fatima Zaidi locates this omission in an international order that exists in the first instance to protect the gains and prevailing system of white supremacy.

Our third piece, an extract from the upcoming second edition of Imam Dawud Walid’s book “Towards Sacred Activism”, takes up this theme of political activism. Addressed to Muslims, it sets out an Islamic underpinning for social and political activism.

Our final essay in this issue by Arzu Merali leaves Gaza for the political battlefield that is education in England to examine how it is being used to advance new notions of normative Britishness.


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