At 2.30am, 17 May 2005, police officers raided the home of Daimi and Jale Kama and arrested them and their three children, Yucel, 8, Selin, 4, and Can, 1. The family had been living in the UK for almost seven years. The two youngest children were born in London and Jale Kama was also pregnant at the time of the raid. Supporters of the family say that they were taken from their home without being allowed to contact their solicitor or collect their belongings and allege that excessive force was used. The family are now in Germany and are fighting to avoid being deported to Turkey.
The family\’s campaign to return to the UK is being supported by the KOMKAR Kurdish Advice Centre, the Camapaign Against Racism and Fascism, Schools Against Deportation campaign and various other local groups in north London.
* Protest outside the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF (five minutes walk from Westminster tube).
* 12.45pm, Wednesday 22 June 2005.
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© Institute of Race Relations 2005
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