Rohingya appeal

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How you can help

The Rohingya have faced decades of discrimination, violence, and repression under successive Myanmar governments. Effectively denied citizenship under the 1982 Citizenship Law, they are one of the largest stateless populations and persecuted group in the world.

Over 1 million Rohingya are currently living in overcrowded camps in Bangladesh, most of whom fled Myanmar since August 2017 to escape the military’s crimes against humanity and possible genocide. They were subjected to untold levels of brutality, men, women, and children were maimed and where possibly they were burnt alive in their houses. Women were raped whilst their loved ones were forced to witness this brutal act. IHRC sent out a fact-finding mission during the crisis to document the crimes committed against the Rohingya. Since 2017, we have committed to support the Rohingya with aid and we continue to campaign for their human rights.

We provide regular, nutritious meals to the Rohingya, so they no longer struggle every day to feed themselves or their families. Instead, they are able to fulfil their potential, rise out of poverty and achieve their dreams. We focus our delivery of our aid in the schools/educational settings and in the refugee camps targeting families that are not able to work due to their refugee status in the country.

Unfortunately, the Rohingya are made homeless as fire often blazes through the camp or natural disasters destroy their shelter in Cox’s Bazar, the largest refugee camp in the world. Our partners are on the ground and respond to the emerging needs, which includes emergency shelter, food, and educational support.

Our funds supports the education and training of the Rohingya, such as computer coding programme courses, allowing them to be educated and trained to be self-sufficient. Equipping them with valuable skills that can serve as a catalyst for rebuilding their lives. Education not only opens doors to employment opportunities but also fosters a sense of purpose and empowerment.

The Rohingya have seen increased hostility in places where they have taken refuge, subjected to abuse, sexual exploitation, kidnapping and slave labour. Our projects have been a safe haven for the most vulnerable amongst the Rohingya, especially women and children. This comes at a time where the Rohingya in places like Indonesia and India have been subjected to ridicule and abuse by locals. With your support we can provide ongoing support, such as education, food and shelter.

The Rohingya face widespread discrimination in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, where they are denied citizenship and other constitutional rights. The Rohingya have been described as “amongst the world’s least wanted” and “one of the world’s most persecuted minorities” by the UN.

Please donate today to get emergency aid to one of the most oppressed people in Bangladesh.

Your support helps our campaign

Described by the UN as the most persecuted people in the world, the world seems to have largely forgotten the Rohingya and international support for them has fallen woefully behind what is required. 

Our beneficiaries who we have been supporting since the 2017 are urging us not to forget their plight, without your support they will face starvation.

Food Pack

Feed a family for a month for £50

Food Pack

£600 feeds a family for a year


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