Eid Mubarak 2022

Eid Mubarak 2022

Eid mubarak and May Allah bless you and your family. We have a few updates.

Abbasid History Podcast EP040 Muhammad Ali Mojaradi – On Rumi: His Life, Works and Legacy of a Muslim Poet

Despite many a tattoo of his alleged verses decorating limbs of heartbroken US college students, the actual life, works and legacy of the Sunni Hanafi jurist and Maturidi theologian Jalal al-Din Muhammad


Rumi have been conveniently overlooked. To provide a historical introduction to Rumi, we are joined by Muhammad Ali Mojaradi, a University of Michigan graduate, translator, editor and founder of the persianpoetics.com project and is best known by his Twitter and Instagram handle @sharghzadeh.

If you have not seen the last podcast click on the heading or the image above.

Throwback: Author Evening with Lauren Booth – Finding Peace in the Holy Land

Click on the video below to watch the author evening event IHRC hosted featuring Lauren Booth who discussed her publication ‘Finding Peace in the Holy Land’.

Lauren Booth is an English broadcaster, journalist and activist. She is also the half-sister of Cherie Blair, wife of the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.  As an internationally recognised motivational speaker, broadcaster and presenter, Lauren draws upon skills from a 20 year career on stage and TV to touch lives across the world.

Below are a few books that are available in the bookshop. For more books and more Eid recommendations, click here.

An Enjoyable Eid – Hanis Hanani Tahir

A remarkable Ramadan has passed, may Allah accept our fast.

Now is the time to enjoy Eid, let’s perform the sunnah for good deeds!

‘An Enjoyable Eid’ contains a collection of sunnah taught by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) through authentic hadith sources to celebrate Eid for the young and old.


The Book of Love – Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Ninowy

The Book of Love is a window into the journey of the wise throughout human history. Though a personal reflection by Shaykh Ninowy, each line of its aphorisms are a opener to a more intimate inner conversation.




Dominance of the West Over the Rest

Traversing through the disciplines of history, pedagogy, international law, economics, politics and others, this book contains essays from decolonial thinkers such as Claude Alvarez, John C. Raines, Ricahrd Gott, Walden Bello, Vandana Shiva and many more.




Navigating the End of Time – Asrar Rashid

This book sets a course for a navigation of the dangerous ways that Armageddon-watchers have invented or twisted prophecies to their own advantage. Rashid draws on examples of how both Muslim and non-Muslim millenarians have cajoled and brainwashed followers, in many cases, to their doom. The trials and tribulations of our time are indisputable, but Rashid lays bare the fitan which are essentially a result of our own miseducation or dependence on the products of the industrial revolution—the apotheosis of which is the smart phone in our hand—which completes what has been called the mass-formation (or crowd psychosis) of our ‘technic society’. These he juxtaposes with the language of the Qurʾān and the key prophecies of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and what he says about the fitan of the End Times. These eschatological matters were further collected and mapped out by a few Muḥaddithūn and Rashid gently teaches us how to map read; ‘Do not travel there until you learn to read the signs properly, and if possible find a very good guide.

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