IHRC UPDATE: Comment and Analysis on British Dual Nationality Law and other crackdowns ; War on Iraq; Central Asia; Belgian War Crimes Law

IHRC UPDATE: Comment and Analysis on British Dual Nationality Law and other crackdowns ; War on Iraq; Central Asia; Belgian War Crimes Law

Islamic Human Rights Commission

7th April 2003

IHRC UPDATE: Comment and Analysis on British Dual Nationality Law and other crackdowns ; War on Iraq; Central Asia; Belgian War Crimes Law

As events develop apace, IHRC has as usual been producing a variety of press releases, briefings and compiling articles. The IHRC website carries these, as well as having its archives updated with other material. Some of the new additions are listed below according o issue.

Please also check our events page for details of demonstrations, conferences etc. Please also let us know of any events that should be listed. A notice regarding the Palestinian Return Centre’s conference ‘Britain and the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People’ follows at the end of this email.

1. Comment and Analysis on Dual Nationality Law and other crackdowns

IHRC Press Release on British Law that allows the deportation of dual nationals by order of the Home Secretary:


You can also hear IHRC’s chairman debating the issue with Anne Widdecombe MP on Radio 4 by going to

and listen to the article: Dual-nationality law: are Muslims being targeted?

IHRC’s briefing ‘Derogation from A Non-Derogable Right? Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Immigration and the British Government,’ highlights more of the British government’s undermining of the basic rights of those residing within the UK, and provides a good background to their current crackdown on Muslims by different means. IT can be read at:



2. War on Iraq

IHRC has produced and compiled a variety of materials which are highly informative but also provide succinct talking points for campaigners.

IHRC’s Briefing, Post-Saddam Iraq – The Pentagon\’s far-right poised to take over and Ayatollah Sistani\’s fatwa,’ outlines the nature of likely appointees to administer Iraq an dtheir various connections with the Zionist lobby, the US military etc. It can be read at:


IHRC advisor Faisal Bodi’s article for The Guardian ‘Al-Jazeera tells the truth about war’ is reproduced at:


IHRC has issued various press releases on the War which are also useful tools for talking points for campaigners. Releases have covered, the Baghdad market massacre, double standards in war funding, the effect of the Muslims in the UK including the backlash against them.

Other releases on India, Afghanistan and the US, UK Events and more are also available. Please check the following index:


3. Central Asia

A series of briefings on Central Asian countries, their recent history, human rights abuses and their potential for further escalation can be found on our briefings page:


Countries covered: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

IHRC’s briefing ‘Derogation from A Non-Derogable Right? Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Immigration and the British Government,’ highlights more of the British government’s undermining of the basic rights of those residing within the UK, and provides a good background to their current crackdown on Muslims by different means. IT can be read at:


4. Belgian War Crimes Law

IHRC also notes other events including the amendment by Belgium of its war crimes law which now precludes the possible prosecution of Ariel Sharon, George W. Bush and Tony Blair in their courts. IHRC’s press release can be read at:



5. Conference: \’Britain and the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
Forwarded Message follows:

An international conference organised by the Palestinian Return Centre, London, UK.

Under the auspices of His Excellency Mr. Ahmad Ben Bella, the First elected President of Algeria The Palestinian Return Centre Holds


\’Britain and the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People\’
Wednesday 23rd of April 2003 from 9am to 7pm

Venue: Brunei Gallery – SOAS – University of London
Thornhaugh St., Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG

Keynote address – Rt. Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
1984 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

The topics & the lecturers:

Pre-Mandatory Period

Britain’s International Responsibility in Palestine Before the Mandate (Sykes-Picot, Balfour, San Remo)
Dr. Yousef Choueiri Reader in Arab and Islamic History and Director of the Institute of Arab-Islamic Post-Graduate Studies, University of Exeter

Mandatory Period

The International Responsibility of Britain as a Mandatory Over Palestine
Prof. Shafic al Masri. Professor of international law at the American University (Beirut) and the Lebanese University

The Zionist Massacres Before 1948: Whose Responsibility?
Prof. Ahmad Abu Wafa, Professor of Public International Law, Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, Cairo University

British-Zionist Military Cooperation During the Mandate and the Suppression of the Nationalistic Movements.
Assoc Prof. Muhsen Salih, Head Department of History, International Islamic University, Malaysia. Specialist on British Mandatory History. Wrote doctoral thesis on this subject

Legal Perspectives
A Juridical Appraisal of Britain’s Role in Denying the Palestinian Right to Freedom, Self-determination and Independence.
Mr. Mahdi Dajani, Palestinian lawyer and political analyst, Cairo.

The Mandatory Origins of Israel’s Deportation and Administrative Detention Laws – a Legal Study in the Abuse of Power
Mr. Usama Halabi, Palestinian lawyer, Jerusalem

Current Developments
British Policy Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Light of International Law – the case of the Palestinian refugees
Mr. Siraj Sait, lawyer and lecturer in law and specialist in international law, UK

Israel: as a Rogue State According to the U.N.
Prof. Ahmad Abdul Wanis, Professor of international law, Director of the International Law Forum, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. Wrote his doctoral thesis on this subject

9. Black Intifadah: the Mau Mau Uprising and the Palestinian Experience in Comparative Perspective
Prof. Ali Mazrui, Director of Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, USA. Member of Eminent Personalities who advised on the transition from the OAU to the African Union in 2002

Delegations from Palestine, Lebanon and Palestinian communities in Europe have confirmed participation in the conference

Registration fee: £20 students, £30 others (closing date 14th April 2003)

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