Velkommen til et veldig viktig og kunnskapsrikt seminar
17-18 september 2006!
IHSG network is very please to send you the theme and background information about our speakers for 2 days conference 17-18 September 06 in hotel Opara in Oslo.
International Health and Social Group has invited 4 legal experts 2 from Norway and 2 from UK. as guest speaker for on family law.
– Day one in Urdu/Norsk 17.09.2006 kl. 4.30- 20.30 for the Pakistani-Norwegian Community.
– 2. day in Norsk/English 18.09.2006 kl.12-16.00 at same place for ethnic Norwegian public and professionals such as lawyers, bureaucrats, students, teachers, researchers etc. on the same subjects.
The guest speakers we have invited have expert knowledge of the Islamic family law. They also have know-how of the family law cases.
Our guest speakers are Arzu Merali from IHRC UK, and Shaikh Faiz ul Aktab Siddiqui of Hijaz College, who is a barrister and author and who has worked extensively on the issue of integrating shariah law into the British legal system.
From Norway: Statssekretæren Kjell Erik Øie Barne- og likestillingsdep. Hilde Eline Hoel senior advicer, Dept. of Family policies and gender equality in the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. Selma Ilyas dommerfullmektig i Oslo tingsrett.
Shaikh Faiz ul Aktab Siddiqui
1990 Lincoln’s Inn, London Called to the Bar of England and Wales
1989-1990 Al-Azher University, Cairo Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Law
1988-1989 Inns of Court School of Law Bar Vocational Cours
1985-1988 Liverpool John Moores University LLB (Hons)
Conducted many television debates on Islam, Islamic law and contemporary issues, for example “Fast Track”, a series on socio-legal ethics shown on channel 4. Other debates shown on main European TV network programmes and Asian media broadcasts.
Written many articles on Islam and Islamic Law. Written in many journals on the contemporary dilemmas of the Muslim community. Delivered lectures on various Islamic and contemporary topics around the world, including in South Africa, Iran, Bangladesh, the Fiji Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Holland, Spain, the USA, Canada and Belgium etc.
Hosted and appeared on many Islamic radio programmes, for example, radio programmes sponsored by The Iqra Trust and Spectrum Radio 558.
Fluent in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic and Dutch.
Arzu Merali is a writer on human rights and Islam based in London, UK. She is a mother and one of the founders of the Islamic Human Rights Commission. Her educational background includes studies in English Literature, Law and International Relations from Cambridge University, Nottingham Trent University and the University of Kent. She is the author of various articles and reports as well as co-authoring several volumes in the British Muslims’ Expectations of the Government project. Her work has been published by among others, The Guardian, The New Statesman, Hecate, BBC News and The New Politics Network.
Hilde Eline Hoel
She is senior advicer, Dept. of Family policies and gender equality in the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.
She had been advicer, Dept. of Family policies and gender equality in the Royal Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, had also been officer in the Royal Ministry of Social Affairs.
Main Activities and responsibilities from 1990 -present: Administer family law; The Children Act, The Marriage Act and Registered Partnerships Act
Education – Degree: 1989 Candidatus juridicum
Selma Ilyas er jurist av utdanning. Hun har jobbet 5 1/2 år i politiet som politiadvokat, og begynte nylig som dommerfullmektig i Oslo tingsrett. Hun har tidligere sittet i to lovutvalg: Lovutvalget for ny lov mot etnisk diskriminering og Lovutvalget for utlendingsloven.
Thank you once again. With best regards,
Internasjonal helse – og sosialgruppe (IHSG nettverk) i samarbeid med moskeer og innvandere organisasjoner vil med dette invitere til seminaret “norsk stats familierett og Den islamsk familierett”. Målet med seminaret er å formidle riktig og viktig kunnskap og informasjon om dette tema.
Søndag 17. September kl14.30
Målgruppe: Urdu talende familier og Mandag 18. September kl12.30 Fagpersoner,studenter og folk flest som snaker norsk og engelsk.
”Sammen for en bedre hverdag” er et prosjekt finansiert av Oslo kommune og Barn – og likestillingsdepartementet. Dette er et prosjekt som handler om forebygging av konflikter og vold i innvandrerfamilier.
IHSG har invitert gjesteforeleser om Den islamsk familierett Arzu Merali, writer on human rights and Islam based in London, UK. og Shaikh Faiz ul Aktab Siddiqui barrister, UK. Hilde Eline Hoel senior rådgiver, Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet. Selma Ilyas dommerfullmektig, Zulifqar Munir advokat som lovekspert på norsk stats familierett
Sted: THON HOTELL OPERA ( Ved Sentralbanestasjon, sjøsiden)
0103 OSLO
Vi vedlegger programmet for dag 1, 2 og det er gratis å delta på konferansen. Være presis!
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Tayyab M. Choudri (Nettverkskoordinator)
P.B 9114 Grønland 0133 Oslo
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