Islamic Human Rights Commission
20th Shaban 1424
17th October
Please Help IHRC this Ramadan
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
Salamun alaykum wa rahmaullah wa barakatuh,
On deciding whom to donate to this Ramadan, out of the many organisations that will appeal for your support this year, I hope you will assist the Islamic Human Rights Commission. Please see our annual newsletter (available to download in PDF format) detailing our work, by clicking on the link below.
The work and energy channelled through IHRC is responsive to the needs of Muslims and society at large, where immediate assistance is required, and proactive where our contribution challenges and informs public and government institutions on an intellectual level. The responsive side involves everything from active campaigning such as our recently launched Europe wide Hijab discrimination project and case work, to raising awareness through our briefings and detailed reports of the situation for marginalised Muslim communities around the world. On the proactive side IHRC organises national and international conferences in the field of ‘Human Rights’ challenging the foundations of the status quo and producing popular and academic critiques that never fail to make the establishment rethink its approach to Muslims and Islam.
Unlike other Muslim humanitarian and socio-political groups, IHRC is funded completely by donations from the Muslim community alone, making us fiercely independent. There are many ways in which you can support us. You can give us your time, your effort and / or financial assistance.
You can become a regular donor to IHRC or may consider giving us a one-off donation. IHRC also gives you the opportunity to purchase a range of Eid cards and T-shirts and other items to raise funds for our projects. The more regular donors enable us, by the will of Allah, to plan ahead. Knowing how much money we are to expect each month allows us to measure how feasible it is to campaign for another prisoner of faith for example, or to take on the growing number of individual cases. In the seven years that IHRC has existed and campaigned for prisoners of faith, thousands have been released in India, Turkey, Nigeria and other countries.
An easy to fill out form follows at the end of this email, for you to print off and send back to the address below. Alternatively please look at pages 7 & 8 of our newsletter to see our cards and other items, as well as our donation and standing order forms.
As an Islamic organisation seasoned with experienced and knowledgeable advisors as well as a strong team of workers and excellent management, the only thing IHRC lacks is money to do much, much more. Please think of us this Ramadan and pledge to help us serve Allah by serving His people.
Your brother in Islam,
Massoud Shadjareh
For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email below.
If you want to subscribe to the IHRC list please send an email to subscribe@ihrc.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the IHRC list please send an email from your subscribed email address to unsubscribe@ihrc.org
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598
United Kingdom
Telephone (+44) 20 8904 4222
Fax (+44) 20 8904 5183
Email: info@ihrc.org
Web: www.ihrc.org
Become a Member of IHRC Today!
Please fill in this form and return to us at:
PO Box 598, Wembley, HA9 7XH.
Name(s) of account holder(s)
Account number
Sort Code
The Manager (name of your bank)
Address (of your bank)
Please pay (tick choice)
• £3 / month (students / unwaged)
• £8 / month
• £15/month
• £25 / month
• £50 / month
• Other (please specify)
£ / month
Please state amount in words
to the credit of the Human Rights Commission a/c no: 0136413 Sort Code [30-93-88] at: Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Harlesden Branch, 58 High Street Harlesden, London, UK, NW10 4LP, upon receipt of this order and subsequently the same amount on the first day of each month until further notice, debit my / our account.
If you would prefer to make a One-Off Donation, please use the form below. May Allah s.w.t. reward all your efforts, ameen.
I enclose £__________ (please make cheques payable to Islamic Human Rights Commission)
I would like a receipt •
I would like to add my name to the list of campaigners •
(Please note that campaign material is sent out mainly by e-mail. However some campaigns are also sent by post and fax.)
Telephone number
Fax number
If you know someone else who might be interested in the work of IHRC, please give their details below.
Telephone number
Fax number
All information given will remain strictly confidential.