PRESS RELEASE: IHRC concern at British Prime Minister’s latest programme for Muslims

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC concern at British Prime Minister’s latest programme for Muslims

Islamic Human Rights Commission

5th August 2005

PRESS RELEASE: IHRC concern at British Prime Minister\’s latest programme for Muslims

IHRC is deeply concerned at the British Prime Minister\’s announcement regarding ways of combatting \’extremism.\’

Part of his proposed measures include banning a non-violent group i.e Hizbut Tahrir and an already disbanded group i.e. Al-Muhajiroun. By equating the two, the Prime Minister has shown that he and his advisors cannot see real distinction between Muslims.

The bizarre nature of this announcement aside, it is worth noting that once more he has shown that there is one rule for Muslims, and another for those who would oppose them. On the day of the London bombings, a meeting in support of the proscribed organisation Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MeK, NCR, NCRI or PMOI) was scheduled at the House of Lords.

Speaking on behalf of IHRC, research director, Arzu Merali said:

\”Blair\’s views are more than just confused, impratical and counter-productive. They blow away all ideas of an equal and just society. Whilst Muslims may currently be the focus of attention, these plans, if implemented, will see the state being able to use its increased powers to crack down on any dissent, wherever that dissent may come from. The last century was witness to the horrors that were perpetrated when systems such as this took hold in Eureopean countries. It seems we have learned nothing from this bloody history.\”

IHRC will be commenting in more detail on the proposed measures.[ENDS]

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