Islamic Human Rights Commission
19th April 2004
PRESS RELEASE: IHRC condemns the assassination of Abdul Aziz Rantissi.
IHRC condemns in absolute terms the assassination of Abdul Aziz Rantissi by the terrorist Israeli regime.
Speaking Sunday, IHRC chairman Massoud Shadjareh said,
‘This assassination is the result of the green light to kill given by the international community by its labelling of Hamas as a terrorist organisation and by its lack lustre condemnation of the assassination of sheik Ahmed Yassin.’
‘It seems that the international community and the Israeli regime cannot comprehend that the Palestine struggle is for liberty. Given the choice between subjugation and death, the Palestinians like the South Africans and many other oppressed people before them now chose death as part of the process that will ultimately free them.’
‘This in itself is nothing more than international law recognises as a basic human right. It is time that the international community held up the ideal of the international norms they so regularly espouse and equally regularly fail to practise.’
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