Anti-Zionism tribunal decision makes workplaces safer spaces

The decision by an employment tribunal yesterday that anti-Zionist views are protected under equality law is a significant milestone for Palestinian liberation advocates operating in England and Wales.
In deciding that the University of Bristol unlawfully sacked and discriminated against Prof. David Miller the law has provided a protective shield for Palestine campaigners who fear that their livelihoods may be targeted on account of their anti-Zionist views.
For far too long pro-Israeli groups have cynically held the slur of anti-Semitism as a proverbial sword of Damocles over the heads of anti-Zionist British employees. Yesterday’s decision will come as a huge relief because it effectively means that anti-Zionism is a legally acceptable philosophical position to hold. It will make British workplaces safer spaces for Palestine supporters.
Prof Miller is a brilliant scholar who has done more than anyone to expose the anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian media/political bias. A trenchant critic of Israeli apartheid and brutality, Prof Miller has a history of impeccable research in the areas of Zionism and Palestine. He has identified Zionism as being one of “five pillars” of Islamophobia, designed to discredit the Palestinian cause by painting it as extremist. There is no doubt that his opponents were trying to take him down in order to silence him.
We hope that this decision sends a strong message to Zionist groups and apologists that they can no longer expect to threaten Palestine advocates’ livelihoods with baseless charges of anti-Semitism.
IHRC supported Prof. David Miller from the outset of his claim against the University of Bristol.
For more information or comment please contact the Press Office on (+44) 208 904 0222 or (+44) 7958 522196 or email media@ihrc.org[ENDS]
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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