IHRC Condemns Attacks in New York & Washington; Period of Calm Urged; IHRC asks media to stop talking up blind retribution
Islamic Human Rights Commission
12 September 2001
IHRC Condemns Attacks in New York & Washington
Period of Calm Urged
IHRC asks media to stop talking up blind retribution
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) unequivocally condemns the attacks on innocent civilians in America by as yet unidentified terrorists yesterday 11 September 2001.
IHRC gives its condolences to the surviving victims of the attacks, their families and the families of those who have lost their lives or are missing. Chairman of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said:
“Our thoughts and prayers are with all the innocent victims of these attacks who come from a wide range of backgrounds and include people of all faiths and nationalities. We strongly urge the international community and particularly the American government not to go down the road of blind vengeance against more innocent civilians be they in North America, the Near or Middle East or anywhere else in the world. If the interests of justice for the victims are to be served, then a period of calm is needed where the perpetrators can be properly identified and brought to justice. Any blanket attacks on civilians – be they the infringement of civil liberties in Western countries or blanket air raids and attacks on other countries can only serve to escalate the violence further.
“We also need to look beyond immediate events to try and identify the underlying causes of this type of horrendous act. Superficial statements that these were deliberate attacks against democracy and freedom are diversionary and unhelpful.”
IHRC is also concerned that the media should act responsibly in reporting and analysing the issues. In particular IHRC notes with alarm the presence of notable Israeli war mongers like Ehud Barak and Benjamin Nethanyahu on various international media. Both have stated that there should be an apocalyptic escalation of violence targeted against Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East and beyond. By hosting such voices, the media is helping to talk up the prospects of military retaliation against more innocent civilians, this time in countries where they have no control over the actions of their own governments let alone any terrorist or dissident group.
Nethanyahu and Barak are just two pro-Israeli pundits currently exploiting the horrific events of yesterday to pursue the bloody interests of a state that is currently headed by a war criminal.
The international media is undoubtedly as profoundly shocked as the rest of us at yesterday’s events. However they are duty bound not to allow emotional reactions to contribute to further atrocities against innocents.
For more information, please contact the Press Office on (+44) 20 8902 0888 or (+44) 7958 522 196.
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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