IHRC condemns Home Secretary’s proposals as mockery of the Law Lords judgment
Islamic Human Rights Commission
26 January 2005
IHRC condemns Home Secretary’s proposals as mockery of the Law Lords judgment
IHRC condemns Home Secretary Charles Clarke’s latest anti-terrorism proposals as a mockery of the Law Lords judgment that detention without trial was unlawful. The Home Secretary has now announced that the suspects may be freed but subject to house arrest with control orders such as restrictions on movement and association, and limitations on access to telephones, internet and other technology.
IHRC is further outraged to hear that British citizens will be subject to such draconian measures and that the new control orders will be imposed not by the courts but by the Home Secretary.
IHRC Chairman, Massoud Shadjareh stated:
“What the government seems to be forgetting here is the basic principle of law: the presumption of innocence. If the detention of these men without charge is unlawful, they should be either tried in a court of law or released. Releasing them from Belmarsh only to intern them in their own homes makes a mockery of the Law Lords’ judgment.”
IHRC views such measures as symbolic of the depth of inhumanity to which the British government has fallen when it regards such orders as justified in a civilized society.
IHRC Chairman, Massoud Shadjareh stated:
“Such deference to the rule of law is something we are used to hearing about in countries such as Zimbabwe and Burma. It may be only a matter of time before Britain too is recognised as an outpost of tyranny.”
Furthermore, IHRC views Mr. Clarke’s alternative proposal of deportation with assurances from the home countries that the men would not face torture or the death penalty if deported as naive at best and at worst, deeply sinister. Similar assurances made by such countries previously have never been taken seriously and torture and abuse have been frequent.
For more information please contact (+44) 20 8904 4222 or (+4) 7958 522 196 or (+44) 7958 607475 or info@ihrc.org.
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IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598
United Kingdom
Telephone: (+44) 20 8904 4222
Email: info@ihrc.org
Web: www.ihrc.org
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