Launch of ‘The Radicalisation Awareness Network Report’ at the European Parliament

Launch of ‘The Radicalisation Awareness Network Report’ at the European Parliament
Date: 31 May 2022
Time: 16.00 CEST
Venue: Online www.ihrc.tv, www.youtube.com/ihrctv and www.twitter.com/ihrc
The launch of the Spinwatch publication ‘Radicalisation Awareness Network: Policy network in search of an evidence base or covert propaganda platform?’ will take place on 31 May 2022.
The event will present and review the findings of Spinwatch’s research project on the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)[1], with Prof. David Miller[2] presenting the work and Clare Daly MEP hosting and responding alongside other civil society and EP figures.
The report on the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) provides a comprehensive analysis of the main body used to target ‘radicalisation’ in the EU. The analysis reveals institutional problems, conflicts of interest and a complete failure to engage properly with the questions of ‘terrorism’ and political violence. The report’s concerns include RAN’s claims to be a practitioner led grass roots initiative, when, as the report argues, it is in fact run in an increasingly top down manner and has significant and opaque links to the British and Belgian intelligence agencies.
Please let Caterina Aiena (caterina@ihrc.org) know if you intend to attend and ask questions. If you wish to simply watch, please visit www.ihrc.tv when the program commences.
Notes to editors:
[1] The report was published by Spinwatch in February 2022, and completed with the aid of funding from the Open Society Foundations in Barcelona.
[2] David Miller, one of the report’s authors, has been professor of political sociology at the University of Bristol (2018-21), professor of sociology at the University of Bath (2011-18) and professor of sociology at the University of Strathclyde (2004-11). He is the founder of the UK’s lobbying watchdog Spinwatch and author/editor of many books, including What is Islamophobia? Racism, Social Movements and the State; A Century of Spin – How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power; and Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy.
[3] This event is co-organised by IHRC and Spinwatch.
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Email: caterina@ihrc.org
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Web: www.ihrc.org.uk/ihrc-at-eu/
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