MAURITIUS: Launch of Report on Human Rights Abuses
Islamic Human Rights Commission
18th May 2001
MAURITIUS: Launch of Report on Human Rights Abuses
Police Brutality and Systematic Abuse Prevalent, claims Legal Observer
A report on the deteriorating human rights situation in Mauritius will be launched in London, UK on 30th May 2001.
The report is written by Osama Daneshyar a British barrister, who was sent in April this year as an observer to the republic, by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC). IHRC initially became involved after receiving reports about the torture and ill-treatment of prominent politician Mohammed Cehl Fakemeeah, also known as Cehl Meeah. Daneshyar met with former detainees and victims of torture, as well as the Attorney General and Chief Inspector Radhoa, the police officer given unlimited jurisdiction to pursue criminal investigation in Mauritius by whatever means.
The report outlines the irregularities of the case brought against Cehl Meeah, the torture he has received whilst in detention and the impossibility of a fair trial. However it also addresses other cases and issues to do with the criminal justice system. Daneshyar reports that a culture of police brutality is prevalent in Mauritius:
“Speaking to Mr Emmanuel Leung Shing, Attorney General of Mauritius, his claim that everyone gets their fair share in Mauritius whether Muslim, Creole or white, I came to realise by the end of my visit to be very true. Everyone in Mauritius has had their fair share of police brutality, whether Muslim, Creole or white.”
The report, Equal in the Eyes of the Law: Police brutality and the Abuse of Human Rights in the Republic of Mauritius, will be launched on 30 May 2001, in conjunction with a report on the current situation in Zanzibar. Osama Daneshyar will briefly outline his findings and will be available to answer questions and give interviews. Venue: Islamic Centre, 140 Maida Vale, London, W9. Time: 6 p.m.
If you would like to attend or want further details please contact the Press Office on (+44) 20 8902 0888 or (+44) 7958 60 74 75, e-mail: info@ihrc.org
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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