Muslim Outrage at M&S Support for Israel
Islamic Human Rights Commission
For immediate release 8.12.00
Muslim protests to be held at M&S stores throughout UK against links with Israel
This Saturday (9 December 2000) the Muslim community in Britain is escalating a recent campaign to boycott Marks & Spencers (M&S). The Islamic Human Rights Commission is supporting and co-operating with Action Alert and grassroots activists around the UK. Vigils in protest are to be held at seven major M&S department stores around the country by outraged Muslim activists calling for the boycott of the firm due to its links with Israel. Leaflets and posters will be on hand to inform customers of the firm’s unashamed support of the occupying Zionist regime that continues to commit atrocities against Palestinian children, women and men.
M&S is one of the most prominent UK companies which openly supports Israel (Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 2000). Lawrence Joffe comments that, “M&S continues its ‘special relationship’ with Israel at the shop floor level.” The store, “still relies heavily on Israeli manufacturers”. This has meant that millions of pounds have been sent to Israel by M&S. According to Richard Sheldon, head of M&S operations in Israel, the firm’s purchases from Israel amounted to $233 million last year (Jerusalem Report, 5 June 2000). M&S was also included in a list of ‘award-winning’ businesses honoured by the Israeli Ambassador in Britain in a London ceremony for their support of the Israeli regime (Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 2000).
Muslims are infuriated at the firm’s ongoing commercial support of Israel despite the regime’s systematic atrocities against Palestinian children, women and men, which have been internationally condemned. They are calling for British customers to cease shopping at a store which supports child-killers. Vigils are to be held at the following stores:
M&S, Ilford High Road, 11AM-4PM
M&S, East Ham High Road, 11AM-4PM
M&S, Oxford Street (Marble Arch), 11AM-4PM
M&S, Edgware Road, 11AM-4PM
M&S, Kensington High Street, 11AM-4PM
M&S, St. Albans, 11AM-4PM
M&S, Manchester Town Centre 11AM-4PM
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is calling in the name of justice for the boycott of those companies who are supporting the apartheid regime of Israel.
For more information, please contact the Press Office on (+44) 20 8902 0888 or (+44) 958 522 196, e-mail: ihrc@dial.pipex.com.
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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