PRESS RELEASE: Annual Al-Quds Day, London, UK, Sunday 30 October
Justice for Palestine Committee
28 October 2005
PRESS RELEASE: Annual Al-Quds Day, London, UK, Sunday 30 October
Time: 1230 march proceeds from Marble Arch, 1430 rally Trafalgar Square
Speakers: Yvonne Ridley, Azzam Tamimi, Rabbi Ahron Cohen
The Annual Al-Quds Day March and Rally is a time to reflect on the oppression of millions world-wide through the symbolism of Palestine and the Palestinian struggle for justice.
Speaking on behalf of the Committee, Massoud Shadjareh said:
“Those protesting Israeli aggression will attend to show their commitment to peace with justice for all oppressed peoples of the world. At a time when Israeli atrocities are being defended world-wide in the name of self-determination, this event makes clear that people of conscience object to all forms of racism – including racist states – and wish to see them eliminated. It is no less or different than the struggle for justice in South Africa or ‘Rhodesia’. To claim otherwise is simply mischievous.”
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