PRESS RELEASE: IHRC condemns the new powers under the Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2002 to revoke British citizenship from holders of dual nationality
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PRESS RELEASE: IHRC condemns the new powers under the Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2002 to revoke British citizenship from holders of dual nationality
02 April 2003
With this new and boldly regressive measure Britain has undoubtedly entered an era of civil liberties malaise. Home Secretary David Blunkett claims that citizenship will be revoked on the basis of acting against the interests of the UK. This is a purely arbitrary and highly subjective decision. IHRC regards its implementation, especially at this critical time, as a racist measure, which will unduly target and victimise the ethnic minorities, in particular its substantial Muslim component.
This sends out an ominous message to Britain’s ethnic minority and Muslim communities – that their presence in this country is conditional and dependent on the goodwill of the powers that be. This seems to be a deliberate ploy to silence any vocal sentiments and criticisms emanating from minority groups, especially Muslims.
Institutionalised racism and Islamophobia concomitant with racial and Muslim profiling seem to be the prime motivators for this latest incredulous measure. This government, in particular Blunkett, seem to be intent on further alienating already disenfranchised groups such as Britain’s Muslim community.
IHRC Chairman, Massoud Shadjareh stated:
“The right to freedom of speech is now racially conditional; Anglo-Saxon hate mongers, such as Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, can regurgitate his racist bile against non-Whites and Muslims, with relative immunity. Whilst those who retain dual citizenship,disproportionately amongst ethnic minorities and Muslims, will have to carefully watch and review what they say in order to avoid invoking the ire of Blunkett’s enforcers”.
IHRC calls for the repeal of the new powers under section four of the ‘Asylum, Immigration and Nationality Act 2002’ as an affront to civil liberties and good race relations.
For further information, please call the press office on (+44) 208 902 0888 or (+44) 7958 522 196.
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