Press Release: Israeli authorities attempting to provoke Cycle of Violence
Islamic Human Rights Commission
09 March 2006
Press Release: Israeli authorities attempting to provoke Cycle of Violence
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) condemns the repeated acts of aggression against the Palestinian people, the latest of which resulted in the deaths of 7 people on Monday, including 5 children.
Almost 50 Palestinians have now been killed since the January 25th elections in what appears to be punishment for the Palestinians for electing Hamas into government. Israeli officials have also threatened to assassinate members of the new Palestinian government, including Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah.
IHRC urges the EU to push for Israeli recognition of the legitimately elected government of Palestine, as well as the abandonment of the policy of terrorism and war crimes against Palestinians. It is an acknowledged fact that the Hamas government has the right to protect its citizens against terrorist attacks and has exercised considerable restraint in the face of the continuing Israeli aggression.
IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh stated:
“It is amazing that the world is discussing sanctioning the Palestinian victims of terrorism while turning a blind eye to Israeli efforts to spark a new cycle of violence.”
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