Prof. Roland Robertson
University of Aberdeen, UK
University of Pittsburgh, USA
This is an impressively successful attempt to consider the impact of globalization, as a multidimensional process, in shaping Muslim identity in the West, particularly in Britain. Employing the concept of glocalization to good effect, Renani deliberates upon two processes which have more often than not been seen as contradictory – namely, homogenization and heterogenization. A book such as this could hardly be more timely, in particular respect to the global crisis precipitated by the dramatic events in New York City, Washington, DC and Western Pennsylvania in the USA in mid-September 2001 and its consequences for “Western Muslims.” This is, in addition, an excellent example of the manner in which the sociological deployment of the innovative ideas of globalization theory can cast much more light on sociocultural issues than most, probably all of, extant analytic approaches.
Prof Scott Lucas
University of Birmingham
\”Dr Alemi brings a much-needed focus upon the process of \’globalization\’, too often dominated by consideration of \’westernization\’ and \’Americanization\’ by considering how Muslims in Britain have reacted to and used that process in their lives and their communities. This is not only a concise history of the development of Muslim identity; it is a thought-provoking analysis of the possibilities for Muslim identity and activity in the future.\”
Dr K. H. Ansari
Royal Holloway University of London
A groundbreaking study synthesizing the debate regarding crucial aspects of Muslim engagement with the West…investigates the cultural interaction between young Muslims and British society, how their identities are being interrogated, challenged and transformed as they move into the twenty-first century.