Muslim Youth Helpline Presents:
Date: Wednesday 7th June 2006
Time: 6.45 pm – 8.45 pm
Venue: University College London, Chemistry Auditorium, Christopher
Ingold Building, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ
A fundraising event for the Muslim Youth Helpline with invited guests:
Chair: Dr Hisham Hellyer (Warwick University)
Professor Tariq Ramadan (St Anthony’s College, Oxford)
Dr Yahya Michot (Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies)
Dr Abdul Wahid (Hizb ut Tahrir),
Huda Jawad (Forward Thinking) and Mehdi Hassan.
This panel discussion aims to explore the future of Europe in
Islam. Islam is frequently cited as Europe’s fastest growing
religion, and its followers have increasingly been in the
spotlight. The rise of the far right across Europe together
with a growing confident Muslim identity raises interesting
questions about the role that Europe is playing in shaping
the future of Islam and Muslims living in the West. The panel
of speakers will set out their vision for the future of Islam
in Europe and engage with each other in a lively debate and
discussion. Members of the audience will be also able to put
forward their questions for the panellists to discuss.
For more details and tickets contact:
Tel: 0870 774 3518 (ext 229)