Things to do in Isolation #7 – Get ready for Ramadan

Things to do in Isolation #7 – Get ready for Ramadan

Ramadan is a week away.  This blog post provides some suggestions for books, reading material and videos to get you prepared for this holy month and for you to share.

In Inherited Prejudices: Modern Orientalists and Their Delusions Regarding the Qur’an, Mohamad Nasrin Nasir looks at attempts to discredit the Quran by certain academics.  Nasir’s work powerfully provides an analysis of the development of the orientalist venture into Qur’anic studies right up to the modern day Wansbroughian school.  Buy it here and find related titles.  Find more of Dr. Nasir’s work here.

In order to prepare for Ramadan, IHRC has made available some chapters from Imam Achmad Cassiem’s book ‘A Quest for Unity’, for free download.  ‘Ramadan: A Month of High Intensity Training’ and Imam Cassiem’s Eid Message on the universality of Islam, from this book, available for free download.  Please read, use and share widely.  Please download from here.  Imam Cassiem is a veteran anti-apartheid activist who was imprisoned on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela for two terms, the first of which when he was only seventeen years old.  He headed Qibla, the Islamic movement that fought apartheid with the many comrades of different movements. 

In ‘Ramadhan: The Month of High Intensity Training’ Cassiem provides not only access to certain regular supplications and their meaning, but also explains how changing oneself is the first and crucial step on the road to changing the world.

Following the theme of supplication, watch Amina Inloes and Nazmina Dhanji discuss their translation of Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets (al-Haqa’iq) (al-Haqa’iq fi Mahasin al-Akhlaq) by Muhammad Reza Tajri.[page continues after video]

If this is your first Ramadan or you want to share information regarding this special month with those unfamiliar with it, try Imam Muhammad al-Asi’s TV show.  Find it under his blog on our site.  Watch the first episode here. [page continues after video]

Finally, please read the IHRC Chairman’s message for Ramadan here, and find out how IHRC can help you during this period, and how you can still help the oppressed.

And of course, please consider ordering Palestinian dates to break your fast with.

With prayers and peace,

IHRC Bookshop & Gallery Team


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