Islamic Human Rights Commission
15 July 2006
URGENT ALERT: Protest Israeli war against Lebanon and Gaza
IHRC is calling on campaigners to urgently contact their political representatives in their country to push for an immediate halt to Israel’s offensives against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the Lebanese in Lebanon. Whilst Hizbullah leader, Syed Hassan Nasrullah clearly offered talks for a prisoner exchange last week between Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners with captured Israeli soldiers, the Israeli establishment has set to make good its promise to set back Lebanon 20 years with the aerial demolition of its infrastructure and the targeting and murder of civilians.
Requested Action
Please contact your political representative, the Foreign Minister of your country and the UN Secretary General to seek the immediate end of Israeli offensives in Gaza and Lebanon. A model letter that can be adapted as well as useful links for contacts can be found below. Please copy IHRC into any correspondence and let us know of responses.
A UK vigil is being organised, please check IHRC emails / website for details.
Model Letter
Dear [insert name],
Israeli offensives in Gaza and Lebanon
I am writing to protest in the strongest possible terms the military offensives launched by Israel in Gaza and Lebanon, and urge you to take immediate action to demand that these offensives stop.
Whilst a clear offer of negotiations for the exchange of captured soldiers for political prisoners from Palestine and Lebanon has been made, Israeli authorities have chosen to perpetrate gross violations of human rights and crimes against humanity by targeting civilians and destroying infrastructures of both Lebanon and Gaza.
Please use your position to demand that Israeli forces cease their operations and the Israeli establishment seek a negotiated settlement to the soldier / prisoner issue. Basic justice demands that political representatives and those who hold influence and power take a moral stance on this issue and without hesitation condemn the naked and bloody aggression of the Israeli side. Anything less is an affront to those who have struggled against oppression in the region and whose daily lives have been ruined by the fanaticism and extremism exhibited in the Israeli actions over the last few weeks.
I look forward to your swift action and response.
Yours sincerely,
Your sign
Your name
Please send details of contacts for your country’s representatives (as below) to update this resource.
For UK Campaigners
For contact details of your MP
Details of Foreign Secretray;
Rt Hon Margaret Beckett MP
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
Fax: +44 20 7839 2417
Email private.office@fco.gov.uk
For Canadian Campaigners
Details (including contact details) of MPs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
(613) 992-2337
For Australian Campaigners
Details of Representatives can be found at;
Minister for Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs)
The Hon Alexander Downer MP
e-mail: minister.downer@dfat.gov.au
Please note: e-mail correspondence should include your postal address. Responses will not be made via e-mail.
More contacts to follow.
For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email
If you are reusing this alert, please cite the source.
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\”And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.\”
Holy Qur\’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75
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Email: info@ihrc.org
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