Islamic Human Rights Commission
27th October 2004
URGENT ALERT: Protest New Sentence for Nureddin Sirin, Prisoner of Faith, Turkey
Turkish prisoner of faith Nureddin Sirin, who received a seventeen and half year sentence has now had another twenty months added to this for writing an article entitled, “Kemalism or Satanism” which criticized the oppression of the current Turkish government who denied Muslims their basic religious rights to practice Islam.
Nureddin Sirin used to write for Selam newspaper that was closed down by the Turkish authorities. He is still serving his seventeen and half years sentence in a high security prison whereby his basic human rights are denied.
Campaigners are requested to take the following URGENT action:
Write to:
1. The British Foreign secretary Jack Straw MP, or the Minister for Foreign Affairs in your country asking them to demand the immediate release of Nureddin Sirin from the Turkish government.
Rt. Hon. Jack Straw MP
King Charles Street
If you are a citizen of the EU please also demand your foreign minister to raise Nureddin Sirin’s case at the European level and demand that Turkey’s application for membership be suspended until Nureddin Sirin and all wrongly detained activists are released.
2. Please also write to the European Commissioner for External Affairs demanding the same.
Commissioner Chris Patten
European Commission
Directorate General for External Relations
200 Rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
3. Please send a letter of support to Nureddin Sirin. His address is:
Nureddin SIRIN
P.K. 50
C13 – 53
4. Write to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayep Erdogan demanding the immediate release of Nureddin Sirin.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Prime Minister
TC Easbakanlik
Ankara, Turkey
Fax +90 312 417 0476
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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75
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