Protests at pro-Palestinian rally
A pro-Palestinian demonstration met with verbal protests from a small band of far-right extremists.
A pro-Palestinian demonstration met with verbal protests from a small band of far-right extremists.
Members of the far-right ‘English Defence League’ demonstrate at London march in support of Gaza.
In an interview with the Press TV’s Fine Print programme recorded on 12 July 2009 IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh joins Taner Hatipoglu, President of Islamic Union Zurich to discuss the issue of the Minarets ban in Switzerland.
Many trials in Nigerian Sharia court fail to conform to international standards of fairness and do not respect due process even as defined by Sharia legislation.
The Panel at the Press TV’s Islam and life programme disscuss the concept of justice in Islam.
An interview recorded in 2009 on the UK governments clamp down on extremism. Press TV’s Roshan Muhammed Salih Reports.
Sultanah Parvin (Hizb ut-Tahrir), Umm Taqi (in Gaza) and Arzu Merali (Islamic Human Rights Commission) discuss the Muslim response to the Gaza attacks.
Attacks on the follow-up world conference against racism ‘Durban II’ Al-Jazeera: On Riz Khan, live from New York City, the participants debate the Durban II world conference set up to fight racism and racial discrimination. Patricipants: Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, who
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