Islamic Human Rights Commission
11th May 2007
What’s New at www.ihrc.org.uk?
In this ‘What’s New’ an advertisement for a part-time post at IHRC, an Early Day Motion for Afzal Guru, an Interpal seminar as well as a HHUGS event and an appeal for the release of Alan Johnston the BBC reporter kidnapped in Gaza.
Press Releases
Part-time Vacancy at the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
08 May 2007
General Administrative Worker in the Research Section, 1- 2 days a week
One year starting July 2007
Forwarded Alert: Request your MP to sign EDM to Save Afzal Guru
03 May 2007
Mohammad Afzal Guru is a Kashmiri Muslim facing execution for his
alleged role in the attack on the Indian Parliament in December 2001.
Press Releases
Press Release: IHRC Calls for Release of BBC Reporter Alan Johnston
09 May 2007
IHRC is very concerned about claims Alan Johnston’s kidnappers are demanding the release of UK Muslim detainees in exchange for his release
Press Release: Egypt – IHRC Condemns Military Trial of Muslim
27 April 2007
IHRC is deeply concerned by the Egyptian government\\\\\’s sudden decision to order the military trial of the detained Muslim Broth
erhood leaders
A Cry For Help
24 June 2007
An Event organised in Manchester by \\\\\’HHUGS\\\\\’, an organisation that supports the family of detainees.
Educating Muslims in Britain
12 May 2007
MTEC National Conference. A unique conference organised to discuss the most crucial issues relevant to the education of Muslims in today’s Britain.
Interpal Seminar:
11 May 2007
Humanitarian Values, Accountability and Transparency: the Palestinian Case
Inside Africa’s War on Terror: War on Terror Detentions in the Horn of Africa
10 May 2007
A Report Published by Cageprisoners
US-Led Raid Kills 40 Civilians in Afghanistan: Witnesses
10 May 2007
Spin Boldak, Afghanistan – At least 40 civilians were killed in an air strike in Afghanistan by foreign forces, witnesses said on Thursday, but the U.S.-led coalition said only rebels were hit and it knew of no other casualties.
Infant Mortality in Iraq Soars as Young Pay the Price for War
08 May 2007
Two wars and a decade of sanctions have led to a huge rise in the mortality rate among young children in Iraq, leaving statistics that were once the envy of the Arab world now comparable with those of sub-Saharan Africa.
Gitmo Detainees Are Still Stuck Down There
07 May 2007
The Bush administration this February won a court victory denying habeas corpus to alien detainees. Now, it is trying to deny the detainees the effective assistance of counsel.
Gitmo Lawyers Push Back
04 May 2007
A Justice Department proposal to limit lawyers\\\\\’ access to the nearly 400 detainees at Guantanamo Bay is drawing sharp criticism from much of the legal community in the US.
Charles Taylor (Canadian Thinker) Blames US for Muslim Gap
03 May 2007
LONDON — Renowned Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor blames the US for the yawning gap separating Americans, along with the rest of the Western world, from Muslims since the 9/11 attacks.
BBC News apologises for misleading reports on Iran
03 May 2007
The BBC internal complaints department today apologised for describing Iran as having “abducted” the 15 British sailors and marines in a news report on the 25th March. It also apologised for referring to the British service personnel as “hostages”.
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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75
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