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Muslims Need to Create their own Social Media Platforms

Muslims are facing unprecedented censorship and pressure from social media companies and that’s why we must urgently create our own platforms, argues journalist Roshan Muhammed Salih. Social media used to be great. Those of us who didn’t have a voice on the mainstream media could,

Is a Better World Possible? Muslims, Leadership and the Coronavirus Crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic may have exposed the unpreparedness and weaknesses of the established political order but it has also underlined the ongoing failures of leadership in the Muslim community, especially its inability to think big and strategically, argues Sadek Hamid. Historically, pandemics have forced humans

Donald Trump’s “peace plan” for Palestine is no aberration

Whilst world-wide criticism of the ‘ultimate deal’ announced by Trump has abounded, Asa Winstanley argues that rather than the exception, this so-called deal is in fact more of the same in the history of treachery against the Palestinian cause.  Realising this is key to the

Under which the colonized fall: some notes on the Pakistan Aurat March

Salina Khan argues that women’s rights movements in Pakistan need to re-evaluate their modus operandi and their logic when seeking liberation and justice for their sisters.  Without a culture and religion specific orientation, she argues, they are doomed to fail in all except the continued


Genocide Memorial Day

Genocide Memorial Day takes place on the third Sunday of every January to remember the perpetration of genocides and genocidal acts.