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The struggle against Blackface in the Netherlands

The annual Sinterklaas Festival in the Netherands has become a testing ground for the status of ethnic minorities and their attempts to influence what it means to be Dutch. The festival is based on a legend that every December, St. Nicholas travels to the Netherlands

Saudi Arabia – Out of the frying pan and into the fire

The accession of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to the leadership of the Middle East monarchy has plunged the region deeper into conflict and intensified a divisive sectarian narrative, says Hafsa Kara-Mustapha When King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died in January 2015 there was a sense

Challenging our Sectarianised Histories

The blight of sectarianism has its roots in a chauvinism that has permeated our understandings of Islamic history. Eradicating it requires us to challenge these received histories and the language in which they are presented, argues Muhammad al-Asi. Dear committed Muslims, brothers and sisters. As

Islamophobia is the ‘new anti-Semitism’

With the emergence of Israel as a western client state, the age-old prejudice against Jews was replaced by a corresponding hatred of Arabs that has fed the rampant Islamophobia we see today, explains Robert Inlakesh. The current climate of widespread Islamophobia in the ‘Western World’,

Palestinian online advocacy countering Israeli propaganda

The rise of the internet has spawned a new generation and new forms of resistance to Israeli occupation. Yousef Helou looks at the growing role social media is playing in the fight against Israeli occupation. Palestinian history has been subjected to distortion by Israel and

Don’t mention the war: Muslim Amnesia and the Need for Collective Memory

Reflexively showcasing Muslim contributions to Westernised society will not in and of itself address the Islamophobia-motivated erasure and misrepresentation of Muslims from national narratives. That requires a wider, more forceful recognition and restatement of the role played by colonialism in subalternising racialised minorities, argues Arzu

Rewriting our future: the need for Muslim narratives

Joining forces with other communities, embracing shared narratives of marginalisation and using the arts to articulate our own experiences and aspirations is essential if the Muslim community is to overturn enforced, racialised constructions of its identity, says Dr Myriam Francois “A people without the knowledge