
Video and Audio Resources on Kashmir

Find background and current videos and audios on Kashmir here. This page is under construction. [page updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir please visit the IHRC Campaign page here. Background Raw Footage August 2019 onwards   Background Raw Footage A cycle

Kashmir – Background Resources

Some short reading that overviews key issues regarding Kashmir, its struggles and the oppression faced by its people. [updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir and find more detailed resources including videos and audios, visit the IHRC Campaign page. To find background


Stand with Kashmir have prepared the #KashmirSyllabus, and invaluable and detailed resource for teaching or raising awareness. This is an external resource. Find the full syllabus here. An overview of the course follows below. To join the Campaign for Kashmir please visit the IHRC Campaign

Kashmir crisis

IHRC’s Arzu Merali discusses the recent further clamp down in Indian occupied Kashmir. Visit the IHRC Campaign page on Kashmir here for how to support justice for Kashmir, as well as background resources on the situation.

Protests for Kashmir

Find a protest where you are. Please let us know of any relevant protests or events for Kashmir to add to this page. To join the Campaign for Kashmir please visit the IHRC Campaign page here. Current protests Find details of September’s protest by the


Saudi Digest # 66

Saudi Arabia has now become the financers of all US colonial policies in the Middle East and beyond.