Conference: “International Solidarity; Islamophobia, Hijab and Muslim Prisoners in Azerbaijan”

Conference: “International Solidarity; Islamophobia, Hijab and Muslim Prisoners in Azerbaijan”
Azarbiajan flag


Among the speakers are Mohideen Abdulkadir, representing Citizens International, Massoud Shadjareh, chair of IHRC, Ahmed Faruk, President of Mazlumder, Dr. Faiq Velizade, head of commission for defending hijab prisoners in Azerbaijan, Abgul Suleymanov, Muslim Cleric, leading activities for defending hijab in Azerbaijan, Sudabe İbrahimli, Head of Woman Affairs to Azerbaijan İslamic Party, Dr. Maksoud Javadov, lecturer at Canada University and human rights activist and Ramin Cahangir Bayramov, journalist and head of İslamic foundation in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan’s secular government has imposed severe restriction on the Islamic headscarves being worn by the Muslim girls in schools and universities which has caused controversy and sparked protests all over the country.

Azerbaijan’s policies follow similar anti-Islamic measures in European countries as part of their Islamophobic policies. Islamophobia is being expressed in many ways in Azerbaijan: the harassment of Muslims, attacking Islamic cultural centers, removing Muslims from key governmental positions, creating conflict and animosity between the Muslims and Christians and banning of Islamic dress.

The conference will discuss various topics including the Hijab ban, the persecution of Islamic parties including the case of the leader of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan Dr. Mohsen samadov who has been detained after allegations made against him, as well as various other anti-Islamic policies being pursued by the Azerbaijani government.

For more information please contact Isra Institute. Please find details below.

Date: 6 March 2011
Place: Istanbul, Turkey

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