Gift ideas that can help change your outlook on Life

Gift ideas that can help change your outlook on Life

Not long to go before Eid and we have Emotional Fitness and Citizen International pamphlets on sale in-store and online. Why not buy a friend or family member something that will benefit them?

Emotional Fitness discusses the mental and physical diseases related to stress due to the lack of emotional health. This book will help handle emotions effectively, raise awareness of your feelings and appreciate what you are able to do and make relationships work better. Only £7

Caught in a Web looks at how various psychological, behavioural and neurological studies have revealed troubling information of how the mind is being reshaped by the internet. Only £3

Health Supplements: Which are Unsafe, Useless or Unnecessary? Are health supplements necessary? Can the growing list of chronic illnesses brought on by poor nutrition, stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices – be reversed or prevented by swallowing handfuls of nutritional supplements daily? Are vitamin pills the answer to a longer, disease-free life? How principled are vitamin promotions? How much truth is in their claims? Find out the answer in this interesting pamphlet. 

Herbs in Daily Life This guide is to revive this herbal knowledge and encourage consumers to use herbs in their daily life for good health. Twenty types of herbs used by Malay, Indian and Chinese communities have been selected and names are given in major local languages. This guide also shares the medicinal value of these plants; and how to grow and use them in daily life.

Prevent Cancer with good Eating and Living Habits Being told you have cancer is one of the most devastating things a person can experience. Sadly 1 in 4 Malaysians will get cancer in his or her lifetime. According to world experts, the answer to avoiding cancer lies in healthy eating and living habits. Find out the answer in this guide.

And new in Discover the Best in You! Life Coaching for Muslims by Sayyeda Habib. This book gives you the support you need to turn things around when you’ve had a setback. Sayeda Habib introduces the concept of life coaching and provides practical exercises that will help you develop the skills and tools you need to enhance the quality of your life. You will be able to learn how to create an empowering life vision, learn to set goals and address key areas such as self-care, organising your time and your finances, communicating powerfully, creating a better work-life balance, and enhancing esteem. Examples from the Qur’an and Hadith, and personal case studies from Muslims who have used coaching demonstrate how valuable and inspiring self-development can be in a Muslim’s life.

We are going to host an event with the Sayeda Habib in September so watch this space for more information!

Our sale still continues and all these offers include postage and packaging

Upcoming events at IHRC: 

17 August: Al-Quds Day Annual Demonstration and Rally in Support of Palestine

24 August: Art Reception with Labbaik Arts

29-30 SeptemberDecolonising the Mind

All the profit made from purchases goes towards the IHRC Trust No. 1106120.

You can request orders for books/ DVD’s via email: or telephone 0208 904 4222.

Come and Visit us @IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Centre

202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA, London

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