Islamic Human Rights Commission
NIGERIA DIGEST 28 April 2019 (Volume 3 Issue 13)
Action Alert
Below please find the last 4 week’s update on the Free Zakzaky campaign. During this week defiant Zakzaky supporters and campaigners from all over the world forced the Nigerian authorities to change position and allow an IHRC led delegation of expert doctors and consultants to complete an initial investigation of Sheikh Zakzaky and Mallima Zeenah. In January a judge ordered that he should be allowed to receive medical treatment from doctors of his own choosing.
This is a monumental change of direction for the Nigerian authorities and campaigners should be congratulated for their dedication. Â Please continue in your letter-writing and other campaigning to ensure that the Sheikh, Mallima and all those unjustly held are released and full restitution made to those bereaved, detained and injured.

Click here to watch the weekly message from IHRC chair Masoud Shadjerah about our fundraising and campaigning for the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.
We request campaigners keep the pressure on the African Union by writing emails/letters, demanding the immediate release of the Sheikh and all those unjustly imprisoned. Please forward any responses you receive to us on and keep the pressure up by continuing to send follow-ups. A model letter is provided below in the Action Alert.
To find out more about the Zaria massacre of 2015, read IHRC’s submission to the International Criminal Court here
To find out how you can help further, please visit the IHRC FreeZakzaky campaign page here
Free Zakzaky!
1. Click here to learn the five things you can do to support the Islamic Movement of Nigeria. You can donate to support the medical expenses of those recently injured by clicking here.
2. Click here to send an email to the African Union and demand their intervention in this case. A model letter and contact details of the African Union are provided below. Please forward any responses you receive to IHRC at
Model email / letter
If you are emailing, please use the following in the subject line:
African Union’s failure to act on human rights abuses in Nigeria
Your name
Your address
African Union Chairperson
President Paul Kagame
Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area), W21K19,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dear President Kagame,
Re: African Union’s failure to act on human rights abuses in Nigeria
Nigeria has been the subject of repeated complaints over its killings of supporters of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria from 2015 onwards and the arrest and prosecution of its leader Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky, his wife Zeenah and other members.
Nigerian authorities are currently trying Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife along with two other members of the Islamic Movement on trumped up charges relating to events surrounding the massacre in December 2015 by the Nigerian military of over 1000 followers of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria. This case has only been made after the federal court ruled in late 2016 (a year after their detention) that Sheikh Zakzaky’s detention and that of his wife Zeenah was unlawful and unconstitutional and ordered the government to release them by January 16, 2017 and pay compensation. That order was never implemented and the charges were brought against the couple in 2018.
It is imperative that you apply pressure on the Nigerian authorities so that they stop killing innocent people and adhere to the High Court judgement of December 2016, and release Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife immediately.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
African Union Contact Details:
Postal Address: P.O. Box 3243, Roosevelt Street, W21K19 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax:(251) 11 551 78 44
IHRC PRESS RELEASE – NIGERIA: Doctors allowed to make initial assessment of Sheikh Zakzaky’s health
25 April 2019
A delegation of expert doctors and consultants led by IHRC have completed an initial investigation of Sheikh Zakzaky and Mallima Zeenah. Both have been held in illegal detention since the end of 2015.
This initial investigation has highlighted the need for urgent investigations into their health which the team hopes will be carried out in next couple of days.
IHRC acknowledges the authorities’ change of position in making this possible and hopes this heralds a full and just resolution of the situation.
FreeZakzaky Protest in Abuja on Thursday 25 April
25 April 2019
Free Sheikh Zakzaky Protest in Abuja on Thursday the 25th of April 2019. The protesters called for the freedom of Sheikh Zakzaky who is illegally detained since December 2015 together with his wife.

IHRC PRESS RELEASE – NIGERIA: Authorities seek to frustrate medical team flown in to treat imprisoned sheikh
24 April 2019
Security forces in Nigeria are obstructing attempts by doctors seeking to treat the imprisoned leader of the country’s Islamic Movement, in defiance of a court order earlier this year clearing the way for him to receive specialist medical attention from experts of his choosing.
Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky lost sight in one eye and the use of one arm after being shot during the December 2015 massacre by the Nigerian military of over 1000 followers of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria. His wife, who is also facing charges, also sustained serious injuries in the massacre. The sheikh also suffered a stroke at the turn of 2018.
Nisfu Sha’aban Procession wraps up in Abuja with call to release Sheikh Zakzaky
24 April 2019
Members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria while celebrating the day of 15th Sha’aban that doubles as the birthday of Imam Mahdi (af) and that of Islamic Movement’s leader, Sheikh Zazkaky.
The procession that took place in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja lasted for about two hours kicked up at the National Human Rights Commission junction and wrapped up at the Federal Secretariat.

Free Zakzaky Protest in Abuja on Wed 24th April ’19
24 April 2019
A massive free Zakzaky protest rocked Abuja again on Wednesay the 24th of April 2019

Children Protest in front of UNICEF Office in Abuja
19 April 2019
Children staged a peaceful protest in Abuja on Thursday the 18th of April 2019 condemning the illegal arrest of 43 children by Police in Kaduna.
The teenagers protested in front of UNICEF OFFICE Abuja in order to lay complain of what Kaduna Government did to their colleagues.

Free Zakzkay Protest in Abuja on 17th of April ’19
17 April 2019
Daily free Zakzaky protest staged in Abuja on Wednesday the 17th of April 2019 calling for the freedom of Sheikh Zakzaky. The protest terminated at Presidential Villa.

Concern mounts for children detained in Nigeria
16 April 2019
IHRC is concerned for the safety of 43 children who were taken into custody yesterday by police in Nigeria while on their way home from a religious gathering. Click here to read the press release.

Free Zakzaky Protest in Abuja on Monday 15th April ’19
15 April 2019
Daily Free Zakzaky protest staged at Garki Village Abuja on Monday the 15th of April 2019, calling for the release of Sheikh Zakzaky from more than Three years of unlawful detention. Protest will continue until justice is done, Zaria Massacre can not be washed away.

Massive Free Zakzaky Protest in Abuja on 12th April
12 April 2019
Daily free Zakzaky protest in Abuja on Friday the 12th of April 2019.

Free Zakzaky Peaceful Protest infront of British High Commission Abuja
10 April 2019
Free Zakzaky peaceful protest in Abuja on Wednesday the 10th of April 2019. The protesters marched to British High Commission Building in Abuja.

Binyamin Attains Martyrdom after one Year of Nursing injuries
06 April 2019
On Friday the 29th of Rajab 1440 (5/4/2019) the funeral prayer for Shahid Binyamin Mika’il took place in Kano, he died of injuries he had been nursing for one year three months. He was shot by security forces on Tuesday the 9th of January 2018, together with Shahid Qasim Umar Sokoto during free Zakzaky protest in Abuja.

Appeal to Help Recent Nigeria Massacre Victims
01 November 2018 – IHRC Weekly
The Nigerian authorities have attacked the Islamic Movement of Nigeria leaving dozens dead. They need your help now.
Nigerian Authorities Attacked Arbaeen Procession 2016
Published on 15 November 2016
The Nigerian state has launched a bloody crackdown on the Islamic movement. The procession is one of many strands from all over the country making their way to Zaria where they will join the main procession which in previous years has been attended by several million people.
Click here to read the IHRC report on Nigeria published on 10 June 1997 “REPORT ON NIGERIA EXPOSES NEW HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES AGAINST MUSLIMS”
Click here to read Arzu Merali’s blog published on 22 February 2019 “Zakzaky is not Thomas Becket; Buhari be warned”
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598
United Kingdom
Telephone (+44) 20 8904 4222
Twitter @ihrc
The opinions expressed in this digest do not necessarily reflect the views of IHRC