Open letters

Open Letters

Letter to Aldi re sale of unmarked Israeli dates

CEO Giles Hurley Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (media team)   Dear Sir,   We are writing to protest in the strongest possible terms at what we believe is a deliberate attempt by Aldi to conceal the origin of its


Complaint to Charity Commission re UK Toremet

IHRC wrote to the Charity Commission on 19 January 2024 regarding fundraising for the Israeli Defense Forces being facilitated by a UK based charity, UK Toremet (charity registration number 1140972). The text of the letter is pasted below. We are compelled to write to you

Letter to Indonesian president re mistreatment of Rohingya refugees

E. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia Istana Merdeka Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia   Universal Justice Network   P E N A N G  S E C R E T A R I A T                                                                   L O N D O N  S E

Letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard, 8-10, Broadway, London, SW1H 0AZ   21 December 2023   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, We write further to our letter dated 8 December 2023 and the email from Inspector Abdul-Hamid. We are concerned that

Friends of Islamic Centre England write to Charity Commission

Friends of the Islamic Centre wrote an open letter to the Head of the Charity Commission to protest the recent decision to impose an interim manager to run the Islamic Centre of England. Read the first letter to the Charity Commission Read the response from