Open letters

Open Letters

Letter to Metropolitan Police re policing Al-Quds Day march

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard 8-10 Broadway London SW1H 0AZ   28 March 2024   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, We are writing ahead of the annual al-Quds Day march on April 5 to register our concern with the

Reply to Jewish Chronicle re Al-Quds Day questions

This is the email from the Jewish Chronicle and IHRC’s reply Our Response: Dear Ms Prinsley, Thank you for your email dated 25 March 2024. The rate at which you churn out half-truths and innuendos in your email(s) to malign those critical of Israel is

Groups urge Met to stop “politicised” policing of pro-Palestine demos

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard, 8-10, Broadway, London, SW1H 0AZ   20th March 2024   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley,   In view of the recent dismissal of a prosecution against a pro-Palestine protestor we the undersigned are seeking reassurances

Joint letter to FIFA regarding suspension of Israel

Universal Justice Network P E N A N G  S E C R E T A R I A T                                                                                   L O N D O N  S E C R E T A R I A T Citizens International             

Letter to Aldi re sale of unmarked Israeli dates

CEO Giles Hurley Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (media team)   Dear Sir,   We are writing to protest in the strongest possible terms at what we believe is a deliberate attempt by Aldi to conceal the origin of its