Weekly Video

IHRC Weekly: "Israel's impunity over Iran Assassination"

What does the media coverage and silent complicity of the international community tell us about the assassination of Iran’s senior scientist? Watch this message from our chair, Massoud Shadjareh For further links on this topic see under the video To find out more on this

Videos: Background on the situation of the Uighurs

Follow the Justice for the Uighurs Campaign here. What’s Happening to the Uighurs? (2019). Abed Choudhury, Enver Tohti and Massoud Shadjareh. Uighurs: The Forgotten Muslims of China (2009) Dr. Enver Tohti on the Chinese nuclear tests in Xinjiang at Genocide Memorial Day (2016) IHRC Weekly

Video and Audio Resources on Sheikh El-Zakzaky

Find background and current videos and audios on the Sheikh here. This page is under construction. To join the campaign to Free Zakzaky or just to find out more please the Free Zakzaky campaign page here. The current case The Zaria Massacre 2015 The Zaria