Weekly Video

Decolonise Your Mind: The future of Israel

We are in the last phase of the dissolution of the Apartheid state, which is the last vestige of world colonialism. We can’t image it now because our imagination is colonised. But when you understand what decolonisation of the mind works, you will understand why

Don’t Be Intimidated: #FlyTheFlag for Palestine

We are being bombarded by politicians from across the board to say Flying the Palestine flag is supporting terrorism. They want to silence us because they support apartheid & genocide. Don’t be intimated. Go out, be heard, do everything you can. *Update: since this video,

Harassed and bullied for being pro-Palestinian

Pharmacist Nazim Ali, vicar Stephen Sizer, academic David Miller and many many more, have been harassed and bullied by the Zionist movement for being pro-Palestinian. The smears are damaging and the targeting constant. Here’s why they are doing it. Read More Harassed and bullied for

Islamophobia: Don’t Ask Muslims About Violence

Islamophobia is structural and permeates every part of our society; from the bank to schools to video games. We live in a violent epistemic structure, that demonises Muslims and then asks Muslims “what do you think of violence” Watch this powerful clip from our Islamophobia

US Police Killings: A Systemic & Spiritual Disease

On August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police in Ferguson in the United States. His murder sparked an uprising; the now infamous slogan “hands up, dont shoot” and was of the key triggers to the #BlackLivesMatter protest movement. Michael Brown was not

Imam Cassiem: Remembering a Revolutionary

All this week, we have been remembering our dear friend and advisor, Imam Achmad Cassiem who has passed away. Here, our Chair Massoud Shadjareh reflects on Imam Cassiem’s life and remembers his revolutionary life and spirit.  This Jummah please remember Imam Cassiem in your duas.

Convivencia: Coexistence Then & Now

This week, our chair, Massoud is in Granada, the heart of historic Muslim Spain. Reflecting on what there was and what there could be in the future; Convivencia – coexistence. We in Britain have started an organisation called Convivencia, to model a way forward on

UK Govt Is Shutting Down Our Mosques

Did you know that the government’s Charity Commission has “taken over” the Islamic Centre of England. They’ve done nothing illegal. There’s no evidence they’ve done anything wrong. And yet its not the first mosque the Charity Commission has done this to. It’s all a part