Search Results for: "demir mahmutcehajic"

Search results for “"demir mahmutcehajic"”

Demir Mahmutcehajic on Bosnia and Forgotten Genocide

Bosnian Activist Demir Mahmutcehajic discusses the background to and his experiences of the Bosnian war 1992 – 1995. He discusses not only how Srebrenica was a genocide in 1995, but the whole Bosnian war was an evidence of genocide against the Muslim population and those

Remembering the Victims of Genocide

Genocide Memorial Day (GMD) is a day focused on remembering man’s inhumanity to man. It takes place on the third Sunday of January each year. GMD was started by IHRC in 2010 to commemorate past and ongoing genocides, and to raise awareness around genocide prevention.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Why Genocide Denial and Genocide Awareness Matter

As tensions continue to simmer in the former Yugoslav state, Demir Mahmutćehajić’s reflections as to commemoration and erasure of current and previous genocides in Bosnia and elsewhere provides some insight into the possibilities and perils of the future. In July 2017[i], Islamic Human Rights Commission

The Long View – VOLUME 5 – ISSUE 4

Through the Looking Glass: Searching for Justice Volume 5 – Issue 4 – November 2023 / Rabi Al Thani 1445 Download PDF Version Buy Print Edition Download Farsi Version Download Spanish Version Editorial As we witness the latest round of Israeli war crimes unfolding before

ILWIIR: Imam Achmad Cassiem

IHRC’s advisor and dear friend, Imam Achmad Cassiem has returned to his Creator in the early hours of 14 July, 2023.  We pray that the Almighty grants him the best station in nearness, and grants his family sabr. Imam Cassiem’s loss is immeasurable.  We will be


Watch ‘Forgotten Genocide’

IHRC’s documentary, ‘Forgotten Genocide’ details how the entire war in Bosnia, waged against its Muslim population, can and should be considered a genocide.  Whilst the international community’s echelons have reluctantly accepted that the killing of 8000 men and boys in Srebrenica was genocide, this documentary

The role of “Israel” in the Balkans

Olsi Jazexhi and Demir Mahmutćehajić join Faisal Bodi for the latest Long View Conversation. Based on their essays looking at the Balkan region, they discuss the increasing role of “Israel” in the Balkans, a topic which has been much ignored. What can we learn from

The Long View – VOLUME 4 – ISSUE 1

Time to Rethink? Volume 4 – Issue 1 – Jan 2022 / Jumada al-Thani 1443 Download PDF Version Buy Print Edition Download Farsi Version Editorial The modern ‘state’ is in crisis. Crafted around the idea of nation in the image of a ‘Spain’ born out

Back in sight: Deflating Genocide to Dissolve Bosnia and Herzegovina

As international attention is now slowly turning to the Balkans once more, Demir Mahmutćehajić argues that the ongoing actions of Milorad Dodik and his supporters has brought the country to the brink of dissolution.  A recent view from the British daily The Guardian on Bosnia

Bosnia Campaign

Bosnia Campaign The genocide in Bosnia remains the biggest organised slaughter of Muslims in modern Europe. Find more information about this campaign below. Monday, 21 March 2022 Latest “,”nextArrow”:”“,”autoplay”:true,”autoplaySpeed”:5000}’ dir=”ltr” data-typing=”1″> Ukraine Resources Author Evening with Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan: Tangled in Terror EXTENDED DEADLINE: Annual Poetry