

Zakzakys fight for return of passports

PRESS RELEASE – Nigerian security forces will answer in the Federal High Court tomorrow why they are not returning the passports of the recently freed leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallimah Zeenah. Since the pair were released

Nigeria – Support the oppressed of today this Ashura

Every Day is Ashura and Every Land is Karbala. Knowing this we cannot just look at historical oppression without standing against the oppression of our time. Support our projects in Gaza, Yemen and Nigeria this Ashura by donating and campaigning.


This report provides the accounts of the distribution of the funds that IHRC has raised to support the persecuted members and those perceived to be members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria. The state violence is directed towards civilians. The aid is distributed to the

Alert: Nigeria – Support the victims of violence! Donate now.

Please support the victims of police and army brutality in Nigeria. They are in urgent need of support.  DONATE here, and read more about some of the people already supported.  More details on why you need to donate follow below. Introduction: Members of the Islamic Movement

Campaigning for political activists and human rights defenders

Since 2015, IHRC has undertaken a campaign work in support of Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and Mallama Zeenah along with other Islamic Movement of Nigeria activists, who have been detained in Nigeria and illegally detained and targeted by State violence and brutality. The campaign has been