
Photo by Victoria Pickering. CC BY-NC-ND License.


Bring Aafia Siddiqui home now!

Do you know Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? A highly educated academic and mother of three, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was abducted by the American government in Pakistan and was the first woman subjected to the full rendition to torture programme by the USA. Her children were taken

Mental Health Awareness

We have a few announcements for you. Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place from 9th to 13th May. This year, the Mental Health Foundation are raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it.

20 Years Since Gitmo

With 11 January 2022 marking 20 years since the opening of Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (Gitmo), We have a few announcements to share with you related to prisoners. Author Evening with Moazzam Begg Moazzam Begg was invited to speak at IHRC’s Author Evening about his book, Enemy Combatant. in 2011.

Why the USA? – Lockdown3 Blog #2

Some thoughts on the USA and its role in the world. Short and long reads, videos, news clips and audios. If you wan to support our work tackling gross human rights violations in different parts of the world, please visit for relevant books and titles, or the

IHRC Weekly: "Israel's impunity over Iran Assassination"

What does the media coverage and silent complicity of the international community tell us about the assassination of Iran’s senior scientist? Watch this message from our chair, Massoud Shadjareh For further links on this topic see under the video To find out more on this

Guantanamo remains a blot on the human conscience

[First published 10 January 2019, edited and updated 12 January 2020] 11 January marks the anniversary of the confinement of the first detainees at the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention facility in the US. The internment camp was established by President George W. Bush shortly after