Immigration & Asylum

Israeli asylum seeker appeal adjourned

The case of the 21-year old rabbinical student, who is appealing the decision to deny him asylum, was adjourned yesterday after the Manchester court in which it is being heard failed to provide a Yiddish interpreter. It will now be heard next month. The case

IHRC takes up case of asylum seeker fleeing Israeli apartheid

IHRC has launched a crowdfunding appeal to fight a potentially groundbreaking legal appeal that could pave the way for refusenik Israelis and Palestinians living in Israel to claim asylum in the UK. The Jewish rabbinical student, whose name is being withheld for his personal safety,

Fight Apartheid by Supporting our Israeli Client’s Claim for Asylum

Support our campaign here Our client is a Jewish rabbinical student from Israel who vocally supports the struggle for Palestinian rights, and strongly opposes Zionism and Israeli apartheid on religious and political grounds.  After he was detained and beaten by the Israeli authorities on several

The Intimacies of Surveillance

The internalisation of governmental narratives about oneself, especially as an individual or a group, is a common and arguably essential by-product of state policies aimed at controlling dissent, particularly from minoritised communities.  Niyousha Bastani argues that the Prevent policy in the UK, with its racialised

Know Your Rights (UK)

IHRC has been empowering the community to know their rights since 1997. We have done this by distributing rights information leaflets and other literature, doing casework and delivering workshops up and down the country. Find the latest leaflets regarding your rights in the UK on

December Updates

IHRC Bookshop have a few announcements to make, including a couple of upcoming events. Islamophobia Conference 2020 Join IHRC and DIN (Decolonial International Network) for the seventh annual Islamophobia Conference: The Attacks on Civil, Human and Political Rights for Muslims in Europe. Chairing the event will